RIP Neil Armstrong – Man On The Moon

This video created a fervor in the imagination of millions of people back in 1969. We all remember those famous words, “That’s one small step for [a] man, one giant leap for mankind.” We were in uncharted territories when we set foot onto a foreign surface, so far above the planet that we call home. For those of us who became fascinated with outer space from those initial interactions with NASA, Neil Armstrong was one of those who lit the way for our imagination to expand infinitely.

He’ll always be remembered for being the first to set foot onto the Moon’s surface. And he was part of the cadre of pilots who helped expand a space program that set this country and the world onto a path of curious exploration. One more piece of our history is now consigned to memory. He passed on to the starry skies on August 25th. And we will forever be thankful that he helped mankind grow exponentially since our first tentative steps through those stars. Thank you for the memories, Neil Armstrong. Rest in peace.

– video courtesy of NASA


p.s. Back in 2010, Neil Armstrong responded to a post by NPR’s Robert Krulwich to describe his thoughts on the moon mission by NASA. This is the kind of letter that unveils the difficulties of every mission that space agencies everywhere face in going to an unknown planetary body.  We assume these missions are so straightforward, but don’t realize the amount of dedication they require from all those involved on each mission. It’s the ultimate in collaboration in order to reach a new horizon – a coordinated effort that stands in sharp contrast to our earliest explorers who just struck out towards the unknown. This is how far science has brought us, and why these pioneers want us to keep moving forward as they did.

(thanks Boing Boing for this last direct connection to a hero for all generations.)


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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