It Really Does Help…












This image gets right down to the basics of manners. It means that it really does help when you use proper manners and think about the person on the other end of every transaction. This might be a business transaction, but it contains a distinctly human element. Demand with little thought towards the fact that you’re interacting with another human being, and you pretty much get what you deserve. Having worked in customer service for many years in my youth (well, pretty much always since there’s always customer service attached to any business), I know what it’s like to be treated well and to be treated poorly. You can guess which one gets a better attitude towards the customer.

In the past, the saying was “The customer is always right”. Well, lately, many customers have taken on an overlord attitude that is dehumanizing to those in the customer service field. No one should ever have to be treated like “cattle” (yes, I know there are ethical cattle owners as well – but I’m still using this age-old phrase we’ve all heard) to such a point that they actually hate their work. The number of times that I’ve gotten an overly grateful response from an exhausted worker when I simply ask “How are you?” tells me that much of the business world is clearly heading in the wrong direction.

So take note of the image above, taken at an Italian coffee house. Just a little bit of common courtesy can help with more than good service. It brings the world up a notch towards a balanced happiness that is sadly lacking these days.

And on a final note, that this even needs to be posted in a store window is a sad testament for society everywhere.

– thanks again Reddit! You guys always help with the deep thinking and social lessons, don’t you?


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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