And Then KUT Brought Nature To Us

How do you not watch a video with a title like “Oh Joy!“? Well, the answer is that you do…with a smile. And afterwards you find out about a creative collective going by the name of KUT in Latvia, who were seeking to bring the country to the city. Read their message below to understand the vision behind the action:

We brought the country to the city. To revive the grey concrete, to break the routine and give you a moment to reflect on what we are and where we are going. Sometimes surprises just happen and we have no influence over them but we do have influence over our perception. How ready are you to accept whatever life throws at you with a smile?

The mission takes KUT from the countryside collecting what looks like cattails, which provides them with the downy innards that are at the heart of this mission. Once in the city, the video shows the reactions of people in that small area when confronted with the unexpected “snow”. It’s sweet to see the delighted expressions of kids and adults (well, some of the adults) as they are engulfed in a blizzard of softness. But it’s sad that the police arrested them – though they were later released due to lack of evidence. Can’t wait for the day when moments in life like this are celebrated, as they should be. We’ll be all the better for expanding our imaginations.

p.s. I was not aware at the sheer amount of usefulness that a cattail provides. They’ve always been one of my favorite plants (along with ornamental grasses), but I didn’t realize that parts of them were edible. TIL…

– thanks Colossal for this sweet moment


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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