An Awestruck Jason

Jason Silva has done it again. We all know what it feels like to be awestruck. And now we know what it looks like when Jason is awestruck and wants to share it with us all. Honestly, what it sounds like is a pure symphony of thought. It’s transformational. He always has a way with words, but the sheer beauty of the imagery that his words convey actually supercedes the visual imagery that he uses in this video. This verbal maestro has always been a major source of inspiration for me, and this conversation about being awestruck leaves me shivering with delight. The buildup from the concept of awe to Hubble’s image of the Deep Field equating to our ability to “mainline the whole of time through the optic nerve” leads to nothing less than a blown mind and a rapidly overflowing heart. This is what it feels like if you’re lucky enough to have been gifted with an infinite desire to learn about…everything. This video is probably one of the closest depictions of beautiful, unending curiosity. It truly is a gift, because it only serves to makes us better than the day before. And that can lead to pure ecstasy of the soul, paired with an imagination like the most brilliant firework show you’ve ever experienced.

We relish just being here. We feel “the yen to confirm and renew, in small ways or large, our own occupancy of the present moment, to go deeper, to extend it, to revel in being there, and when we have the skill, to celebrate it in words..” – Nicholas Humphrey


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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