In The Right Hands…
















What comes from the human mind is pretty incredible. But when it becomes reality, then you know that your creation has been placed in the right hands. Although I’m not a gamer, Bioshock is a fascinatingly beautiful game to delve into. As someone who loves creative inspiration in any form, games have become a source that I enjoy because their creators have some of the widest mindscapes I’ve ever encountered.

Well, here is Big Daddy from Bioshock, as created by the hands of one Harrison Krix of Volpin Props. The image was taken by scenemissingmagazine, who clearly also finds inspirations at cosplay conventions which are known for some amazing creativity by adoring fans. If you wanted to know how costume props are made, then go visit Volpin Props’ blog because he’s got a step-by-step instructional series that takes us through the entire costume-making process. Along with these behind-the-scenes shots, we actually get to see his costume in action because the drill is a working one!

Prop designers, game designers, photographers, artists, fans, and so many more people work together to create a rich tapestry of soaring imagination that takes us on rides we could have never imagined on our own. The most innocuous starts can lead to some dramatic creations down the line of history. All ideas start from a single grain of imagination. That that little grain can hold an entire universe within itself is testament to what imagination is capable of creating.

These are the types of people that design the worlds that we dream of. Creatives from all walks of life bring color into our monochromatic world that we reside in, pointing us to the right filters so that the colors of reality come into focus for us all. May them always have the freedom to set their minds free to reach the stars and beyond!

– thanks for another spark, Reddit


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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