Volleyball Using A Wall


So, we’ve all heard about the border walls that separate countries from one another for “security’ reasons. There’s one that separates Mexico and the United States, which stretches along the length where the two countries meet. While we see our country’s government viewing the world through lenses that taint their perspective of humanity. But it’s not always the case with the citizens. It seems that there is a volleyball game that has been going on between these two countries, and it’s been spanning many, many years.

No matter how much our countries want to see one another as being too different, the truth is that we are actually much more similar than we realize. All it takes is a brief conversation, a willingness to reach out and connect, and then see where the connection takes both sides. If the mind and heart are open, other separations become superficial. It’s all up to the participants, who have a different view than our “officials” do. Hopefully, this volleyball game continues to bring the two sides together, until the day comes when the border wall is a thing of the past.

– thanks to Reddit and Vimeo for sharing this amazing video. And thanks to Brent Hoff and his team for making the short, Walleyball!


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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