Before I Die…

It’s a pretty heavy question: “Before I die I want to…”

Candy Chang had a personal loss that impacted her world. And she decided that she wanted to hear what others thought about life. If you know that you won’t be around forever, what would you want to do that would fulfill you? What would you admit to others in public about yourself and your life?  It’s not something that we would even want to contemplate unless we were really prepared to face this ultimate of questions. It’s not pleasant to think that the world goes on after you’re gone. But it can bring you clarity in understanding what you consider to be important to the inner you, that part that knows you better than anyone because it’s the one who forces you to face those impossible situations. So, what would your list look like?

Here’s mine (a few of them anyways):

  • Before I die, I want to get to know the world as deeply as I can.
  • Before I die, I want to create whatever moves me…all of it.
  • Before I die, I want to be comfortable with me.
  • Before I die, I want to experience sheer moments of pure exhilaration.
  • Before I die, I want to get my pilot’s license.
  • Before I die, I want to change the world so that everyone has a chance to reach their dreams.

About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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