Monthly Archives: September 2012

More Moon Landing Images From NASA

          I don’t know how I missed this, but NASA released some more images of the Apollo moon landing sites earlier this year. Here’s a link to the latest images: Apollo Revisited. All of these images … Continue reading

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Visiting The ISS

Most of us will never get to see the insides of the International Space Station. Well, ESA astronaut André Kuipers is giving us the perfect opportunity to see how they live in outer space. The sheer amount of equipment and supplies … Continue reading

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An Awestruck Jason

Jason Silva has done it again. We all know what it feels like to be awestruck. And now we know what it looks like when Jason is awestruck and wants to share it with us all. Honestly, what it sounds … Continue reading

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A Congress of the Mind

Thought for the day: If you want to see the strength of your ideas, then you need to crash test them against the wall of reality. The context of this idea was shared on an incredible picture of the 5th … Continue reading

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Respecting The Body In All Its Forms – Paralympics So, we’re celebrating Labor Day in the United States, and this video seemed enormously appropriate as a reminder about the meaning behind labor. We’re in the midst of the London Paralympics 2012, which followed in the Olympics footsteps. Though some … Continue reading

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In Other Words, CARE

Thanks for this reminder, this isn’t happiness!                         So, I went silent a while ago on Twitter because of what the image above says. In my case, I went … Continue reading

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Feeling Out Of Control? Is your life feeling a little out of control lately? Well, you’re not alone. Check out this clip of two hamsters doing what hamster do. Except that they literally end up out of control. Whatever you do, don’t drink … Continue reading

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