Thought For The Day (Part 1) – Fail… To Get The Point of Life





It’s been a little while since I shared an Umairism, but today seems to be a good day for a Thought(s) of the Day. Yup, it’s going to be a two-parter because he’s been slinging so many great ones.

It seems a little crazy that we need to be reminded of the necessity to fail. Nothing ever succeeds on a first try (unless you’re really lucky), so we should all be used to this most necessary of life experiences. You only know the good after you’ve experienced the bad. It’s part of that Yin-and-Yang view of life that is part of our reality.

So, what is the point to life? Who knows? Perhaps it’s to live to the fullest. Or perhaps it’s to learn all that there is to learn. Or perhaps its to simply learn by the repercussions of living to the fullest. You’ll make mistakes, lots of them, but you’ll also be a better person for those mistakes. Because you’ll learn that one critical action that so many of us forget…empathy. Seeing the world through another person’s eyes so that you can get a different perspective. Because there are a lot of perspectives out there, and they all work together to help us get the point of life.

As always, Umair shows us that there’s more than one right way. It’s the alternatives that provides us with the opportunities to increase our knowledge base. That’s a pretty important part of being human.


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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