Thought For The Day (Part 2) – Life Doesn’t Follow A Straight Line





So, here’s Part 2 to the Thought(s) of the Day, and it’s a straightforward one: Life doesn’t follow a straight line. So, how do we know this? How about the fact that we have a tough time walking in a straight line. We’re constantly influenced by external forces that affect the attempt to be straightforward. There’s no such thing as perfection, though our society always tells us that we’re supposed to believe in the myth. Well, folks, it’s just a myth. It’s the imperfections that make life interesting, and keep us actively engaged.

That’s what we all need to be: actively engaged. It’s when you’re on autopilot that things can get dicey, because you’re too relaxed and not ready for the impossible. So, comparing our lives with anothers is pretty futile, because we’ve all got different experiences that built us into who we are today. We just need to appreciate the fact that this makes each and every one of us an important part of the total life experience. Pretty empowering, huh?

– And one more thanks to Umair for his engaging view of life and the world and everything


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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