Monthly Archives: November 2012

To Be Thankful

Give thanks for what you appreciate: the feel of falling rain against your skin, the riot of colors in nature, the emotions, the connections, the mystery, and the lessons. Everything that you hold dear.                 … Continue reading

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The Last – A Love Story

Wong Fu Productions asks, “How many have you loved?”And do your loves fall into the categories of who, what, where, when and how? Is your last love the embodiment of all of these questions? Is your last love the compilations … Continue reading

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And Then There’s GULL

Wow, this is turning into a musical week for me. I’ve found another musician that is wickedly good, and this one is a one man band by the name of GULL (aka Nathaniel Rappole). Who is that masked man, you say? … Continue reading

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Heaven On Earth

I’ve always loved the camera work of Randy Halverson and now it looks like I’ve found a musician who is equally enamored. BT has taken his music to another level by marrying it with the amazing time lapses that Randy … Continue reading

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Make Merry

So, the holidays are here and we’re probably cringing at the typical Christmas songs. Listen to this first before you let the bahhumbug hit you, because it will give you an eargasm!!! Pentatonix is an extremely talented group of singers … Continue reading

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Thought For The Day: Thoughts

We all love a good quote to give us the inspiration that we need to take another step forward into each new day. Whether that day be trying or light, we understand that those fellow travelers of life throughout the … Continue reading

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Monday With Florence and the Machine

So, I was finding so much good stuff on Reddit and I wanted to share this beautifully poignant song by Florence and the Machine called Shake It Out. To understand how she feels about music, you just need to listen … Continue reading

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Incredible Reddit Photos

                    I saw this cute picture of high school students dressed up as sports trophies. And guess what, these are the winners of the high school costume contest? Yep, Redditer tauslb … Continue reading

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Does Your List Look Like This?

So, does your list of groceries look like this? I wish I’d thought of this. It’s gorgeous! Do you need to go shopping? Make a list! – thanks again Reddit and whoever made this drawing

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Happily Stuck

If you’re in need of some uplifting, then you might want to check out this video shared by Reddit and then go read some of the happy stories that go with it. We’re all stuck in moments that we wish … Continue reading

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