A Teacher’s Bye

People are always ranting about the ineptitude of teachers with very little thought that the system is the bigger issue. Looking around everywhere, we think that we have a super-functioning society, and yet we’re failing to notice that it is falling apart at the seams. So, it’s sad when you hear teacher after amazing teacher walking away from their life-long passion of teaching because our system thinks it should be run as a business.

Well, even businesses need to be run less as a business, if this year’s events around the world are testament. Schooling is about building a passion for learning. Those who choose to embrace the magic of knowledge understand that this passion will never go out because there is so much to learn about our lives, our world, and our universe. And we need more educators that want to light a spark under each willing student.

Reddit posted this resignation of a RI educator who has finally had enough of our system. He only wants to teach his students that learning can be fun if it’s done correctly. Yet, it’s clear that the system is all about hitting numbers and statistics, with little care that the process is an integral part of being human. We should probably take these resignations and departures seriously, as our statistics are showing us. Those school systems who provide teachers with the ability to freely train minds young and old that it’s our natural state to be curious, and to feed that curiosity with knowledge. Because each new discovery leads to newer creations that take us one step further into understanding the world around us. It’s a large universe and our minds are yearning to understand it.

Good luck to this teacher, and thank him for standing up for what education needs to be about. These are the kinds of teachers that we need to support and create a thriving classroom that students will want to be a part of. It’s a shame that his school did not recognize the truth in his words. What are we becoming?


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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