Thought For The Day: Who we are





Sometimes we need some meaningful words to remind us of what we’re searching for. The daily grind of life can force us to step of the path that we want to embark on. These words by Martha Grimes help remind me of what it is that I am reaching for. Even if my dreams go into temporary hibernation, they are still alive because I make them so. EVERYDAY with every word and action that I take.

What I did last year was what I needed to do to prepare for the start of my new journey. It’s one that’s been a long time coming, though it has been patiently been waiting for me to wake up to it. I’m a little like Rip Van Winkle who is slowly waking up to the reality that I choose… the world I want to create. Nothing worthwhile is ever easy, but it will be worthwhile when we reach each milestone.

Start with a small dream first, then keep building up into successively larger ones. You’ll meet people along the way who will help, or just accompany you for a small part of the journey. But your journey, added to the journey of other dreamers is what makes this world come alive.

We’re not meant to be living a life by sleep-walking through it. We’re meant to live it to the fullest of our abilities. And our abilities should grow as we grow from each new experience that changes us. It’s the changes that make us three-dimensional. It’s the changes that make us keep growing, along with the world around us.

thanks to Great Minds Quotes for the past few days of thoughts and necessary reminders


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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