Stephen Fry Being “Book”

Stephen Fry is someone who is loved by all simply because he is such a cool guy. Or in his nephew’s eyes…”book”. Though its definition isn’t the same as most of us know, it has evolved because technology sort of forced this new meaning as it tries to help us predict what we’re typing. Perhaps our devices feel sorry for us waiting as we poke in a series of letters on the itty, bitty keyboards that frustrate us to no end. So, the youth of today simply make do by redefining the word based on a shortcoming in the system. So, for all of you luddites, “book” now means cool. Who knew, right?

This clever little discussion between Stephen and Jonathan Ross is a reminder that following the rules doesn’t mean that everyone else will. Or that those rules are right and should always stay the same. Whenever a shortcoming is discovered, we humans have a pesky way of compensating for that flaw by modifying the rule on the fly and getting others to accept this new mod.

As a writer, I’ve been frustrated at all of the straight-laced rules that the writing industry pushes on us, as though they were written in granite and could never be changed. EVERYTHING CHANGES. It’s what makes life grow and transform to fit with the changing world that flows all around us. So, whenever someone corrects you for not following the rules, perhaps you might want to question them on their rigidity that won’t allow for better changes to transplant the known flaws that boggle the mind of so many. Creative endeavors, like writing, are as unique as the individual who creates these remarkable works of imagination. Telling someone that they are flat-out wrong is tantamount to ripping out their heart in my book.

Not book.

just saying…


– another great reminder that will make you think, from Reddit


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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