T-Mass Dances


So, I stumbled onto this video while visiting Reddit and absolutely fell in love with the song, Reason to Forgive, by T-Mass. But then I caught the 12-year old dancing genius, Alijah “POP-O” LeCour, who is part of the P.A.K CR3W and was just as blown away by his ultra-smooth moves…at 12, in case I hadn’t mentioned it before. The amount of talent that is coming out around the world is really a joy to behold and also one to share with others, because these people show what happens when you put love into what you do. The love of a craft that makes your creation so sublime, that others connect at a cellular level. One piece at a time, the world of artistic creativity is giving us back our hearts and soul.

Support the creative world and never let anyone say that art is not important, because they’re oh so very wrong!

Enjoy the start of your weekend with something amazing that will make you feel awesome. I’m going to find out more about both of these talents!


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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