Helping Hand

















So, I was browsing to find out the latest in Turkey, when darkwarer on Reddit shared this image that made me remember that even I overstated when I made a blanket statement “…it comes from those who wear uniforms, suits, and even religious and legislative robes. Those at the top.

Yes, we do have a huge problem with many of our leaders or people in leadership position. But we can never generalize by pointing at an entire group, and I should know better than that. After all, I hate labels that eliminate the individual. So, apologies to those who are indeed acting as a human being first, and thinking (and feeling) as you’re doing what your job requires.

Before we can fix our problems, we need to start to realize that general labels will also catch many innocents who don’t act like those bad apples who catch the attention of our lenses. When we start to talk with one another and respect the other person as much as we want respect ourselves, then maybe we’ll start to understand the strengths that humanity can nurture.

Strengths like caring, sharing, and even walking in the shoes of another to understand their life. With all of the bad that is embroiling Turkey, there is also good like this.

And the better news is that it’s happening all around us everywhere. We need to make this act as instinctual as breathing. Then maybe we can start to find solution to so many of our problems. So that conflicts don’t keep repeating themselves because we’re tunnel-visioned.


p.s. There are comments that these aren’t protesters, but plain-clothed police, but the idea I presented still stands. At some point, we have to collaborate to fix the mess we’re in.


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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