Get Pissed Off!!

Caught this important reminder by Prof. Dani Rodrik in Umair’ feed and thought that it would be a good thing to end the week with:





So many people are asking why the Turkish people are protesting. Just like when Occupy was protesting. And the Indignados. It’s really annoying to hear because it means that people just don’t want to be bothered with someone else’s problems. Except that they aren’t someone else’s problems, because we all have the same problem. Look around. Can you seriously say that this is how the world is supposed to be???

I became an adult in the 80s and90s when the market was depressed (the minor recession). We were promised that things would get better, as long as we keep working hard. Well, we’re still waiting. Nothing’s changed, has it? And we wonder why when we keep repeating the same thing as we did the day before. Change happens when you do something different. And not enough people are doing that yet.

I am in the midst of my own kick in the pants. It’s painful, but my eyes are open to new possibilities that I’m going to grab with my entire soul. Get pissed off, and see what it will do for your outlook. I’m kind of liking how mine is shaping up. It’s amazing how powerful a motivator anger can be, when used as fuel.

I just need to keep reminding myself that my steps need to go forward, and never back. How are you doing lately?


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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