The Guardian UK has been unleashing one punch after another with the revelations that our world is not as we think it should be. On one side, we have the dreamers who want a world in which we can all live with one another free of suspicion. And on the other side, we have those who like wearing the current lifestyle like a fuzzy robe and will do what it takes to stay that comfortable. Which path do we take: the one that is easy or the one that is hard? I’d say you decide, but it’s gone beyond that now, hasn’t it?
Now, we have yet another person who has decided that comfort isn’t all that it’s cracked up to be. Meet Ed Snowden, the latest in conscientious objectors who has decided that the powers-that-be should NOT be the ones who make all of the decisions for the rest of us. Especially when their decisions impact the rest of OUR lives.

image credit: The Guardian UK
Now, of course, there are those who only believe that the right way can be accomplished by following the rule of law. Look at what that has gotten us:
- The financial industry can create monetary vehicles to make outlandish profits that even they can’t understand, and don’t suffer any repercussions when they FAIL;
- Free thought is being stamped out in schools, work, even public life. Being an individual is to be selfish, and more and more, laws now dictate what we can do and say;
- Global corporations can find legal loopholes to evade as much of their tax obligations as they can – not paying back for the many benefits they get FROM society;
- Wrong-doing done at the official level can be hidden behind backroom deals and re-written laws that allow them to evade justice and jail;
- Contracts are negotiated and signed outside of the purview of the public, though they will apply directly to each and every one of us in our daily lives;
- Laws are evaded by buying the best legal protectors that you can find, even when the damage hurts the many;
- and on and on and on…
The disgusting news is that the US government plans to pursue him in the same manner that they pursue all law breakers. But what exactly does a law breaker mean in today’s world? Because it doesn’t mean the same as it did in the past. A past when laws were meant to protect the masses from the real dangers that could harm all of society, not just the part that makes profit. When did it all fall apart, and why aren’t we doing something about it together? At what point will the levels of comfort that we all chase after become too much of a sacrifice for the rest of those around us? We really should think about that. Maybe listen to the words that he shared with Glenn to let us know that he’s done taking, and is now giving us the biggest chance of our lives to really fight for our freedoms. Not the cliche ones that no one takes seriously anymore, but the ones that really mean something to us deep down in our hearts and souls.
Ed Snowden is another hero who is reminding us that we are giving up a lot more than we bargained for in order to live in our McLives. He’s running for his very own life right now for fear of what could happen to him, outside of answering the law. Because he could very well end up like many other conscientious objectors who acted as he did. But what will that mean when the law itself is questionable to all of us around the world? Even if he is found guilty of violating the legislative code of conduct. But then we all need to stand up and ask those officials this one very important question: When will they answer to their violations of conduct in protecting their citizens from harm caused by systematic failures that they refuse to correct. We all know what that will cost THEM.
Law cannot be seen in only black and white, when the shades of gray and every other color force us to realize that no situation is as simple as it looks. Especially when it impact the entirety of humanity. We’ve been reminded once again that it’s all of our fights. Because it’s all of our lives that count. If you’re not convinced that whistleblowers are very much a necessity in keeping the truth in the light, then take a look at the image accompanying another story release by the Guardian UK. If that image does not scare you, then maybe you’re not looking at the big picture. Or better yet, look at his face as he talks to Glenn. Because the look on his face says it all.
If you realize that it’s going to get worse…you realize that you’re willing to risk any risk.
And to hear from another great man who helped form the path that so many conscientious objectors have followed: Daniel Ellsberg, the brave man who leaked the Pentagon Papers. Though time may have progressed, man really has not and Mr. Ellsberg offers us a perspective that is steeped in the tradition of checking power before it runs rampant.
The Guardian UK really has done some amazing journalism and perhaps started the path to cleaning up corruption. Of course, we all have to do our parts as well. Sometimes, hope comes from the smallest of lights.