What Do Our Monuments Really Say?

This might be an imaginary statue from an imaginary world, but the world of imagination is firmly built upon realities:

Magic is Might statue, courtesy of Harry Potter Wikia















Does this statue talk to you? It did talk to me when I first saw it. It’s the physical manifestation of a creative mind trying to tell the viewers a story. What the story means to you is based upon your collections of experiences that create your life. All of our real world monuments tell personal stories that inspired the sculptor to create. But what do all of the monuments tell of the story of humanity? I don’t know about you, but I feel that there are not enough monuments that tell a truth, like the Magic is Might statue from the world of Harry Potter.

When people condemn stories because it butts heads with their values or ideologies, then they are admitting that they live in a closed world. Their world is more important to them then the collective of humanity that exists around them. We all affect one another, whether we like it or not. An open mind will see this as an opportunity to learn and grow, perhaps become even more vibrant than they thought they were capable of. We need more open-mindedness in a world that is being constricted by the straight-laces of propriety. When being proper is more important than being good, then we are ignoring what good really means. Good changes with circumstances.

Do we really want to live in a world that is made up of monuments? What do our monuments really say about us is something that we should be careful to consider. I would hate for our future to look at Las Vegas and assume that this is all we were made of back in 2013. Or worse, that we have become what the statue above says…

just saying…


p.s. on a secondary note, THIS is the value that creativity offers. The value to question ourselves, so that we do not fall from the path of light.


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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