Learning From Experience

The one thing that you can say for the business world is that they do have experience. This video called Meals Per Hour is being sponsored by Toyota, who is offering to donate one meal to the New York Food Bank for every viewing that it gets. This is what people talk about when they speak of charitable efforts that can be done by large corporations. Instead of protecting their processes through IP (intellectual property), they have a chance of making a huge difference to start-ups who are still trying to understand how efficiency can improve anyone’s process.

The Toyota Production System (TPS) is one of the shining examples of how Kaizen has been the standard that most industries follow to assist in continued improvements that translate to bigger successes. When you complete repetitive work, you learn throughout the process so that you can:

  1. Define the work
  2. Turn it into photo stops
  3. List what each step requires
  4. Refine it to reduce waste and improve efficiency
  5. Rev it up towards a better process
  6. Rinse and repeat

As life incorporates the same need for steps in order to complete a day, we’re always looking for mechanisms that will help improve our quality of life. But quality of life isn’t just about improving a single process. It’s also about improving every aspect of ALL life. The one mistake that many make is to assume that measuring metrics is the only way to ensure success. Nothing in life is so simple that we can just live by numbers. Life is all about the messy emotions, thoughts, and experiences. None of these can be distilled to formulas. And that’s why we see so much failure in our current way of life. Until we learn to understand that the immeasurable also have an important place in formulas, we’re never going to get life right.

But at least we can use the experiences of work to better enhance how we complete certain repetitive tasks that bombard us on a daily basis. Just remember that there are people involved in those equations, and they aren’t made up of numbers.

Find out more about this brilliant partnership between experts who want to make the world just a little bit better than the day before: Meals Per Hour

– thanks for the find (once again), Reddit and for Henry & Rel for the video


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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