Coup De Filet – Think For Yourself

Strolling through Reddit-land as I’m wont to do, I came across a very powerful short, Ce Que Les Muslamans Vous Cachent,  done by Détournage. With all of the limited and tunnel-visioned information we receive by not researching more than a few venues for news, it’s no wonder that most people have such skewed ideas about groups like Muslims. This short turns those thoughts on its heads by forcing us to confront old tired stereotypes that rarely fit any large percentage of a group. Even the bad ones’ histories started for  a personal reason and created a personality type that we obsess over with single labels that could never encompass their totality.

And how could it when we are all individuals who shape our experiences and backgrounds in personal ways that don’t duplicate en large? Following one-dimensional ideology without understanding the depths of individuality is like assuming that all fish in the ocean are sharks (answer: they’re not).

Follow the advice given by Coup De Filet – Think for Yourself! A large part of the world clearly needs to remember the age of enlightenment.


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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