Monthly Archives: June 2013

Ed Snowden…Another Hero Reminds Us

The Guardian UK has been unleashing one punch after another with the revelations that our world is not as we think it should be. On one side, we have the dreamers who want a world in which we can all … Continue reading

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One of My Goals

Seriously, dogs are one of the single-most happy creatures on this planet, aren’t they?                           I saw this image of Huckleberry being shared by his owner, joneser3, on … Continue reading

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Get Pissed Off!!

Caught this important reminder by Prof. Dani Rodrik in Umair’ feed and thought that it would be a good thing to end the week with:         So many people are asking why the Turkish people are protesting. … Continue reading

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Revelations That Appall

This has been an absolutely horrendous week in the world of news. If you see this logo, then pay attention to what’s being said. Especially if the words are coming from experts like the EFF:           … Continue reading

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We Need a Break: Here’s Newton Faulkner again

It’s been an emotional couple of months for me as I get through another one of life’s too many changes. And there’s nothing better than Newton Faulkner to help bring a smile to my heart. Enjoy one of his amazing … Continue reading

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Umair’s Reasonings…

So, I have not had the time to visit Twitter in what seems like ages. I miss my friends there! Since I am starting to visit once again (no time to tweet…sigh), I decided that my first stop is the … Continue reading

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Helping Hand

                                So, I was browsing to find out the latest in Turkey, when darkwarer on Reddit shared this image that made me remember that even … Continue reading

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THIS would be me

On a much-needed light note for a Monday: Yeah, how many of you out there are as klutzy as I am? Seriously, this would be me:                             … Continue reading

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Courage In the Face Of…

I’ve been following the developments in Turkey that was largely being ignored by the mainstream media until it just became too big to ignore. But this image and a video of a man being attacked by the police with water … Continue reading

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Never Give Up

If you’re having a tough time and need some encouragement, why not give this guy a try? After all, who wouldn’t want a Japanese fisherman yelling at you…reminding you that he’s even working hard in really cold waters. Yeah, I’d … Continue reading

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