Purpose Of Life


We all look around us everyday and wonder what our purpose of life is. We clock in to our jobs, log on, and click away like busy beavers building a dam. And sometimes we miss that the water level behind that structure we’re so focused on is affecting the surroundings in a really bad way. But when we open our eyes to the details around us, we notice that there are signs all around that might help trigger an internal answer to that all important question: What am I meant to do?

This man decided that doing his job that he was hired to do was not good enough, or sufficient in answering the suffering all around him. So he changed his life calling to helping those in need on a daily basis. It takes a special kind of courage to leave behind comfort in order to deal with hardships, but it’s clear that those who do find a new kind of happiness that keeps growing because its fed by that all important ingredient: LOVE.

Not all of us will ever have this kind of courage to upend our lives. But, sometimes, kindness starts with a single small step that leads to bigger examples of selflessness. Here we have just such an example to follow. What a beautiful soul he has!

– thanks to CNN and Reddit for this wonderful person to follow


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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