4th Of July

We have forgotten our roots and today is a good day to remember how America came into being. Our country was built upon the ultimate protest that split us from our former mother country. Any pride that we feel about our country, our armed forces, our democracy came from this action that is built upon many lost lives. Lives of people who believed in the foundation that is written into our founding documents. We’re now in a moment of time that is repeating what we fought in the late 1700s. Except this time it is happening from within.

If we want to feel any pride for our foundations of democracy, then we need to stand up for our belief that democracy is for ALL. This needs to happen more often, all across the country:

Public Gallery, Texas Abortion Protest, June 2013 (source: Guardian UK)











If we love truly our country, then we need to engage in protecting it from all who seek to harm our very foundation of existence. Those foundations have been weakened because they are built upon the past and have ignored the future. Countries like Brazil, Egypt, and Turkey are the latest in the global community that are reminding us of what a true democracy looks like. It’s not just about voting, or serving, or reciting a pledge of allegiance. It’s also about remembering that democracy is about a true collaboration that seeks to build, and not destroy. What is it going to take to remember what our ancestors did when they were in our shoes?


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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