When Progress Stops…We Start

So, it’s been a while since I’ve spoken to you all. Health can do that to you. But once you’re free of the troubles that restricted your life, it’s easy to see that you’ve been given a new lease to do what you’re meant to do. The question for so many of us is: What were you put here on Earth to do? A tough question that only you can truly answer for yourself.

My favorite outspoken philosopher/economist Umair Haque just asked that same question. And it’s come at a perfect time in our world history. No matter where you look, our governments are proving that they are no longer up to the task of doing what they’re supposed to do. Our economies are in a shambles, trade agreements are being written to usurp social and legal rules (have you heard about that unbelievable horrid TPP??),  those who protect and serve no longer do so collectively, and many of our so-called legislators have shown themselves to be the deconstructers of democracy.

We’ve got a lot of news that is troubling, and it’s become clear when you listen to the dialogue that those who want change are fighting against even more of those who got theirs and don’t want to share or simply don’t care. The global climate talks aren’t moving forward because of money, our governments are moving backwards because of money. It’s all because no one wants to share equally. Equality is the moral issue of our times.

But we’re actually in a much better place than we think. When things break down, they need to be fixed by someone who understands how they are designed to work. When leaders stop talking, then there’s an opening for other words to be heard. When laws no longer protect society as a whole, then they need to be rewritten by society as a whole. And there are a lot of thinkers and doers out there who can make a big difference in the first steps.

Beginning of US Constitution (source: Wikipedia)








These particular words from the US Constitution mean the most to so many people around the world. It’s given people hope that there will be a time when everyone is equally important. Well, that time is now. And those people include you and me and everyone, EQUALLY.

We know that our governments and institutions are dysfunctional. The system that has worked for so long has only worked because it’s been on life support, administered by those who have the most to lose if things change. If you want to see how bad it can get, read it in a newspaper like this: Washington’s Post Capital Gains. There has to more to life than this, isn’t there?

So, now that progress stops in status quo, then we can start everywhere, on everything. Fixing our infrastructures, businesses, social contracts, individual interactions, and so much more.

Writers and other “dreamers” see other ways of living that excite them so much that they create worlds to explain their dreams (like one of my favs, Star Trek: TNG). So, do social entrepreneurs and others who help make the world better for more of us. All of these dreams have one thing in common…WE THE PEOPLE. All of us working together, instead of competing as we are now doing. Notice how in all of thse dreams, none look like the world we actually live in? And if they do, then we are trying to escape it. Curious, isn’t it?

Cooperation goes far, and it’s been proven over the centuries. Our future will require it. Now it’s up to us to take up our part in making it happen. Something, anything that will be different from what we’ve done in the past.

It only takes a tweak and some people to make that change stick. If you’ve seen the news, then you know that we need to start now.


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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