So, I’ve been quiet lately (yes, I’ve been saying this for a while), because I’ve returned to that impasse that I’ve encountered repeatedly throughout my life. You know the one – the one that saps you of your creativity. Why, you might ask? Take a look at the world lately. Not at the individual people, but at the national levels. Things are looking really wrong. Whether it’s politics, economics, religion or ideology, we are really at a screwed up point in human history. It’s enough to make a person turn inward instead of outward, which doesn’t always help with creativity.
If violence is on a decline as one scientist/psychologist mentioned back in 2011, then we’re sure not seeing it lately. But the one thing that we can surely agree is that our continued patterns of antiquated leadership in all industries and institutions have led us to this seemingly inexorable moment of historical return. For those who agree that history is important (of which I’m one), then we also probably agree that repeating history should be something that we don’t blindly blunder into without heartfelt understanding. Yet, our modern times show that those at the top have not learned ONE DAMN THING from past history! How is that possible? Could it be that human tendencies like greed, envy, pride and lust never went away? Looking at those titans of industry and institution, it’s clear that they’ve gotten worse or just never diminished. Do as I say, and not as I do must still be their motto? For all of this talk about religious superiority that’s taken hold all across of our world, we keep seeing the mortal failures that never stop repeating themselves – at all levels of society but especially at the top.
Things to be disgusted about:
- Just look at 7/17/2014 (and many previous) front page(s) of any newspaper – WAR (or strife if you want to nitpick, since no one declares war anymore) is everywhere.
- Laws are returning to an age of STUPID un-enlightenment for important freedoms: Net Neutrality, religious freedoms, cybersecurity, and the repulsive Patriot Act (to name a few)
- Since corporations got the same rights as people, according to the Supreme Court, all hell has been breaking loose with consequences that directly affect individual lives: Seriously, “business has a role to play in shaping public policy in a democracy” (read the whole position by a certain businessman on Guardian, though he’s not the only businessman pushing this mentality)?!?
- Umair Haque rightly calls our modern times, The Age of Hate, as shown by the humanitarian crisis on US borders, strife in the Middle East, and the tragedies of increasing loss of human life everywhere.
- Inequality has a root to many if not all of our problems, as noted by the calls from many protestors from many public groups (and I’ve been talking about).
So, here is a question to our leaders around the world: What in the h*ll do you think you’re doing?
Are any of you thinking about long term consequences for us all, morality (not just the religious kind), and your own responsibility as role models to the rest of us? And if so, do you really think that every one of your current actions are going to be mindlessly accepted by all 7 billion + people on this planet???
Individuals with this type of power have a responsibility to everyone and everything on this planet. It’s what they chose when they took these positions. It not all about them, no matter how important they seem to think they are when compared to the rest of us. Take responsibility for the ripples that your actions will cause now and in the future. Every action that we all do will have repercussions, even if we don’t recognize them at the time we do something. Our current leadership everywhere (with the exception of a handful of innovators) gets an “F” if we were grading with letter grades.
War – What Is It Good For? Absolutely Nothing! – Edwin Starr
Enough is enough! A lot of us are fed up.