Can you hear me?
What about now? And more importantly: Do you understand me?
What will it take for you to hear me? When will you stop to listen to what I mean, and not just to what I say?

Learning to converse (courtesy of the wondrously beautiful movie, Arrival)
I watched the movie Arrival today, and have to say that I don’t remember the last time a movie spoke to the inner me so profoundly. The story line was so breathtakingly beautiful because of the depth of understanding and cooperation between the language professor, Louise, and the aliens. Both do not think linearly, and are not limited by the structures that society and our leaders impose upon us. Humans have the capacity to overcome these barriers through shared exchanges and a willingness to step outside of our normal experiences. That it does not happen frequently enough is evident from our current state of global affairs.
Words are the music in my soul, so it was inevitable that this movie would speak to me. Words are the air that I need to exist. Others use similar symphonies like music, color, lines, or texture to express themselves to the outside world. Without them, we only see black and white. And yet all of these things are no longer considered pertinent to the human equation of life. Who thought that this would be a good idea to eliminate them from our lives? Who thought that only linear forward thinking would allow us to successfully venture into our collective future? Who? Because those who made this decision shackled our creative future and tossed away the key. We need to find that key again to unlock not only our human potential, but also to ensure our very survival!
I feel as though I’ve been stuck in a frozen dimensionless plane in life for far too long. Any forward motion is accompanied by too many steps backwards. I look around and see people who talk, but do not stop to truly listen to the meaning behind the words. Their schedules require that expediency be the only answer to the process of living. So, everything outside of the accepted equation is not relevant.
But I also see so many people who are looking for a meaningful connection to facilitate the return of a soul to humanity. We connect momentarily during temporary gatherings, but we need something more that is perpetually sustained. How do we do this outside of the normal channels and organizations? Because clearly, the existing institutions and status quo are failing us spectacularly.
If the current groups will not hear us, then we need to find a different way of communicating. We need to use a different language. We need words that exist outside of structure. We need art…and music…and science…and texture…and life. But most of all we need access to all of these tools to recreate the rich fabric of humanity that once existed. We need to free them from the shackles of conformance.
Life does not conform; it adapts to its ever-changing environment. So, I’m reaching out to someone…anyone…to come talk to me. Mutually build a society from the ground up so that the ending of arrival can become a reality for humanity. Please hear me. Tell me where to meet you. I’m willing to take a step forward with you together towards a world that is in our dreams.
I’m sending a signal out to the world once again. Who will hear me and start the conversation? Who will offer more than what money can buy? I’m so tired of the superficial. I want depth back in my life. I know that others out there do as well. Do you understand what you’re hearing from my very soul?