The Cause of (My) Depression

Sorry but I have to get this out so that I can refocus. Check out this image by Donkey Hotey that describes the train wreck that is known as the US elections:









Honestly, what’s most disgusting has been the overwhelming juggernaut of money in politics. My inbox has looked like a mine field of money requests from political groups. Just because I signed a few petitions, suddenly I was added to a lot of politician’s mailing lists without my permission. And it’s been the biggest source of my depression. I can’t even fathom how fast our problems would be solved if these greedy people, corporations, and lobby groups would just put the money where it’s needed. And here’s a hint: it’s NOT needed in any election cycle.

Thanks to all of you political groups, I am doing something long overdue to set myself free.

I’ve solved my problem by declaring my non-allegiance. If you’re a group who seriously wants to make change happen, then I’m listening. If you’re part of The Machine, then may your bolts rust in perpetuity. I’m done being depressed because our society is being trampled by inequity caused by broken politics and social injustice. I’m ignoring all of you, and finding people to work with who will create a viable replacement to ineffectual governing. I’m done being frustrated with politics and ineffectual leaders in every sector.

Party of choice: NO PARTY

Because I honestly don’t understand what is wrong with these people?! (well, I do but…)


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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