Female Bits, The Internet, And Us

Deanne Zandt spoke out at the Personal Democracy Forum recently in a thoughtful talk about the new power of the Internet. 2011 and 2012 have been banner years for the introduction of the Internet to the world. The world that we all know is changing because of this immense and interactive group who is no longer shy about their voices. We’ve known the stupidity and disengagement of status quo, and came to the Internet in order to make ourselves known. We found a place that listens and engages with our voices and views. No one in this digital domain is about to give up this power, because for the first time we have the opportunity to change the physical world to one that we want to exist in it.

Networks are wrapping around hierarchies, they’re infiltrating them, and they’re starting to break them down and dismantle them altogether.” – Deanne Zandt

We have entered the age of the Radical Power of the Internet. This is a new collective that is amorphous but dedicated. It surpasses the physical concept of the Internet, and creates a true global hive that is working together as never before under the word democracy. To many who live and love this digital domain, this is the true concept of democracy: people power that creates, assists, and shares in order to make a collaborative world. This is the world that we are trying to get governments around the world to understand. We are beyond the antiquated structures of gentility. Our digital world is large, messy, noisy, and argumentative, but it is a free one that we will fight for at all costs because we know the consequences if we fail.

Here are a few more talks about the Internet from PDF12 that resonate and provide more calls to collaborate for our collective future:

Dave Parry – Protecting the Internet Public

Alexis Ohanian – The Hero The Internet Needs (YOU)



Fight for the Internet! And watch more PDF 2012 on their Youtube channel. Seriously.


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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