Respecting The Body In All Its Forms – Paralympics

So, we’re celebrating Labor Day in the United States, and this video seemed enormously appropriate as a reminder about the meaning behind labor. We’re in the midst of the London Paralympics 2012, which followed in the Olympics footsteps. Though some of the global audience views these events differently, we see that these athletes are all extraordinarily dedicated to their passion – whether they are full-bodied or not. I wouldn’t use the term able-bodied, because these men and women prove that they are just as capable as those athletes who are not “disabled”.

This ad by Samsung reminds us that each man and woman who participates in the Paralympics (and other sporting events) are decimating the impression that they are helpless. Their spirit is fierce, and they prove that limitations only exist in our minds. For them, it really is a labor of love, as they face the unfair social stigma that they are somehow less than all others. Here’s proof that perception needs to go deeper than the surface in order to meet the real person behind the persona. Labor is no longer just about commerce. It’s about being proud of what you do, whatever that may be, because you truly love what you do. It’s also a reminder that life is fragile, so make sure that you’re doing what you love. The rest will fall into place because of your dedication.

p.s. Be sure to watch the other videos being shared in this Reddit post. They’re all really amazing!

– thanks for sharing this incredible message, Reddit


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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