Everything Is Incredible

Be prepared for the tears. But they will be tears of joy. Because a man dreams. And his dreams are full of the magic of flight. There’s so much magic in his attempt to create an operational helicopter that has taken him most of his life to build. He’s collected parts over the years from everywhere. And he’s done it to conquer his own fight against Polio, which has taken away his freedom of movement. But not his freedom of imagination. His mind is as agile as that of an engineer. With no experience and little education in aeronautics, he still happily works on his creation of a lifetime. And even the town in which he lives hopes that he succeeds.

Hardship comes in many forms, but it can also be overcome by a simple dream that fills your every waking moment. And there is absolutely everything right about this. Because in Agustin’s world, Everything is Incredible.

There’s currently an Indiegogo campaign to help Augustin complete his dream by helping with his expenses. But watch this movie that was made with love by Tyler Bastian, Trevor Hill, Isaac Strack, and their team of incredible story tellers. This story is definitely one to cherish. It’s one to nourish because it involves the simple dream of a man who dared to dream. We should all be so lucky.


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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