Reddit shared a few images that instantly reminded me of that famous Borg phrase, “Resistance is futile.” Well, by the looks of things, resistance is not futile at all. Take a look at:
Cats are notorious for not listening. Or reading, in this case ; ) Notice his attitude.
Surf meets turf and out comes a rainbow, or even out of resistance can come beauty…
And then sometimes, resistance requires the need to move
Yes, resistance comes in all forms. We only hear about the violence of resistance, and yet we all know that there are many ways to countermand what you don’t agree with. The one way that makes resistance palatable is that we deal with it with brutal honesty. We can only reach the best course of action for ourselves by understanding what it is we hold most preciously. Not what others tell you is proper, but what you feel is the best decision, even if it goes against everything you’ve ever been taught. And to always understand that each one of us holds our own destiny in our own hands, and must take the consequences of each and every decision we will make.
So, make your decisions good ones!
– thanks for inspiring these thoughts, Reddit.