The Pictures of Nature

Have you ever just stopped and looked around in amazement at just how gorgeous the pictures of nature are? Today, we finally had some rain and the resulting sky and clouds were absolutely breathtaking. I wanted to stop and take a picture of the sunset because it has been ages since I’ve seen the sky look like a watercolor. The image is in my head, and won’t let go:

The sherbet mounds of whipped clouds are tinged with shadows of white and gray at the edge, making them pop from the violet-blue hue that comes from a blazing globe of light that is sinking past our sight. As the wind blows, the clouds change shapes instantaneously, yet always retaining the mystery that the storm leaves with them. In the farthest point of the horizon, the glowing amber slowly sinks into the moody blue waters and the resulting beams of light escaping from this union blaze across the sky in glorious streaks of pure white. Where this white hits a cloud, a light seems to come on from within and turns each one into individual night lights glowing in an ever-darkening night.

I wish that I had the picture to show you, because the colors were spectacular. And best of all, the world looked clean and new. That’s always the best part of a good rainy day, isn’t it?

So, instead, here are a couple of pictures of nature from Piccsy who managed to find more ways to show that nature really is an artist at heart:


















About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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