Short Changed

Why does disappointment hurt so much? How do you move past it when trust is shattered? Especially when trust is such a necessary commodity for business?










It’s been a while since I did one of these talks, but it’s necessary because theseĀ dispiritingĀ things keep happening and the instigators don’t get the dangers caused by their own destructive actions. Whether it’s short changing a person during a financial transaction like misleading product sizes compared to an advertisement, or creating a highly stressful work environment, it has a detrimental impact on more than one person. Just like the circle of life, our actions have a rippling effect on the world around us.

Let’s put it another way. Do you like it when other people do these actions to you? Or does it cause a growing rage on the inside about this out-of-control world that we live in? I don’t know about you, but as much as I like chaos for its potentially positive impacts on creativity, I’m not exactly condoning that type of destructive chaos that comes from selfishness. And that’s what we’ve become because we have unlearned what is truly important in life. We become what we endure. And lately, that isn’t a good thing.

Have you noticed that you’re acting in ways that you hate? All because the stress of being short changed in our daily lives is directly impacting the way we interact with one another. Lately, my pet peeve has been our freeways. The number of commercial trucks are increasing on a daily basis and taking over the ever-decreasing spaces on roadways. And then there are the slower drivers who all spread across the freeway with little thought to the frustrations they cause from those who don’t live life at a slower pace. Face it, some of us move fast in many aspects of our lives, simply because we’ve been forced to with schedules that never let up. So we need to cut one another some slack and realize that our actions impact those around us in an always-growing ripple.

Take a deep breath and really look around to see if you can change your behavior to make your and someone else’s life a little easier. I’m trying to change my ways on a daily basis. The world doesn’t need any more short changing. We’re already starving right down to our very souls because of selfish individualism. Being your own unique individual is never a bad thing, but it should be tempered with doses of thoughtfulness.

Here are a few thoughts:

  • Watch a recipient’s behavior when you do an action – positive or negative. Then tailor your actions to improving an already stressful world.
  • The only motto I’ve ever taken to heart from religion – Do unto others as you would have done to you. It’s self explanatory.
  • Learn from the negatives of our past when we don’t let go of the bad. We seem to be drowning in this brain-washing that the past was the best. It’s a learning experience, so learn from it and move forward.
  • The differences in each and every one of us is what makes this world full of beautiful vibrancy. We resonate on such a pure level when we feel the right note in a song, a story, or an image.
  • If you see intolerance, stop it. This world is too small for such petty destructive behaviors and thoughts. What’s the sense of having history if we don’t try to change for the better?
  • Seek to support those things that fill your creative well. Creativity is very necessary in life. Mother Nature proves it to us in the most unsuspecting of places.
  • Join up with others who also want positive change to move us all forward. Whether it’s today or tomorrow, just the fact that you’re doing something adds to all those other positive changes that are trying to take root. Trust me, this world needs all of us.





just saying…


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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