Dexter Gives Us A Hand

This image of Dexter Marcelino, an intrepid skydiver, has a photo that stopped me in my tracks:














It’s the perfect image for a sky enthusiast such as myself. I used to think that I was a flying enthusiast (which I am), but I’m beginning to realize that it’s all aspects of the world of air that does it for me. Liquid water, not so much, but cool flowing air is my medium of choice. And this image rocks my world. That Dexter manages to combine my favorite activity, flying, with the human experience is something that I never considered about sky diving. Boy, am I slow on the uptake. @_@

When I was given a chance, way back when, my answer was typical: “Why would I jump from a perfectly good airplane?” Considering that I like jumping from trees and other high places, you think I would have made the connection a long time ago. Especially, when my favorite time to fly was when my instructor cut the engine to test my skills. The sound of air rushing by is something to experience. And don’t get me started on aerobatic flying. 😀

So, to all you air lovers (it’s not just for breathing anymore), grin at this incredible image of Dexter and then go enjoy his tribute to air friends old and new. Man, does this video make me smile! Thanks, Dexter, for sharing your world (and Reddit for finding it for me)!!



About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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