Welcome To My World…DM is Back


So, I stumbled into Starbucks last month, saw the latest by Depeche Mode, Delta Machine, and bought it simply because it’s the DM. Put it into my player and have not taken it out yet. Seriously, it’s like hearing the DM of old that I’ve always loved. Especially this song right here…Welcome to my world. It’s a phrase I (and many others) use often when we are in an situation that is waaaaay too common to us. Cue the sarcasm!

But THIS song is way beyond special. It feels like that moment when you smash into wakefulness after a really long sleep.

Leave your tranquilizers at home….You don’t need them anymore – Welcome to my World lyrics

DM is back in a serious way with Delta Machine. There isn’t a single song on their new album that does not bring back that feeling I had when I first listened to them back in the 80s. I can honestly say that this is fast becoming my favorite of theirs, and I’ve loved them all (some more than others, but I especially adored their 80’s era of angst) so that says a lot. The album grows on you with each listening as the layers embed into your DNA with each listening until it becomes one with your heart beat. Whatever you do, keep listening. Repeat often. Because that’s how this music crawls insidiously by winding its melodious tentacles into your ears and into your soul.

Brilliant, brilliant song. And stupendous album that makes me say that DM is indeed back. It’s been a while guys. I’m back in love with you again (though never really fell out). And thanks for accompanying me on another long trip and keeping me smiling the entire way! The beats were so churningly great that I simply need more. Maybe a concert is now in my future? How about you?


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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