Another loss to the world in the larger-than-life form of Keith Flint, the lead singer of The Prodigy. His loss has added to our collective distress that the world is not right.

Fat of the Land - The start of The Prodigy for me
Sure, those not familiar with the musical flames of The Prodigy will not understand his impact when they see images of him. Some considered him scary to look at – even my loved ones didn’t understand the draw for me. He was not a by-the-book kind of guy in his public personae, but his brand of in-your-face “electronic punk” embraced people who needed to push back against the straitjacket of society. He was for those who needed to let loose from all of the strictures of decorum, as many of us did however and whenever we could. I didn’t stay for their entire party, but I was obsessed by the ones I did attend. I wish that I had seen Keith and The Prodigy live, as everyone mentions they are amazing to experience in person. That’s a big testament when the fans want to hear you in person.
And like they always remind you, don’t judge a book by its cover!
Like most people, I was mesmerized by Firestarter when it first came out. Breathe became another anthem to my alter of freedom. Fat of the Land was my go-to choice when I needed to disconnect from it all. And wow, did I come out whole on the other end of the cycle, refreshed for another stomp through reality. I know that I missed out on a lot, as my taste ebbed and flowed from them.
Music is a broad rhythm that covers a multitude of styles, sounds, and needs. Honestly, no single person will have the same taste as the person standing next to her (or him). But once you let go of your inhibitions, there is a vast world of sound to inhale. Don’t let others scare you from an experience that just might change you for the better.
Those lucky enough to have met Keith speak of how unlike his public personae he was in private. It made me wish that I’d had the chance to know him just a little, and thank him for what he gave us all.
RIP Keith. May you now be where you want to be. My profound condolences to your family, friends loved ones and fans.