The world spills over in ashes and grey, as the structures try to keep out those who they feel do not deserve…anything. History is written by the victors, but life is written by the survivors. Neither one is ever out of the game, as long as the game moves on. But time does make forward movement harder until belonging takes hold of the soul.
Our soul gives us strength and power. It overtakes the pain that latches upon the body in strictures of desolation that is meant to tear asunder. Those who move past it run with their souls and not their bodies. When the soul meets the brain, then wonder becomes reality.
For those who think that they are the deciders, you are NOT. Especially if you think that position equals power. It does NOT. It never did because power is always never long lasting. Look through history for reminders that everything always falls. And the new that is built on the old tries to be better, until the old roadblocks take shape once again.
Sooner rather than later, the roadblocks will be moved. The crowd that deserves to belong grows as the message becomes louder.
If you think that you can stop the momentum, then you are a fool. Because the soul is stronger than the victors expect…every time. The victor is never guaranteed to deserve to be. That is life!
We will not go without a fight! And we will remember to have sunflower seeds ready for those who stand against us.