The Future Of Work by Gist

I stumbled on this forward-thinking entrepreneur from Gist, T.A. McCann, who is indeed talking the language that many of us want to hear. No longer is there an antiquated mentality that we must all conform to some strict code of business conduct while performing our “duties”. From hearing him talk, duties will no longer be a word that we use for our work. His vision is one that I completely adhere to as a freelancer who is working my way to becoming an entrepreneur.

We are all individuals with a multitude of talents to offer to many, so why would we want to think so small and restrictively like those in the current corporate paradigm do? In case you haven’t noticed, our world seems to be going through a shift towards a new consciousness. I’ve spoken of it before because the evidence is all around us. The status quo don’t want this change to happen, which is why they are using everything in their arsenal to stop it. Don’t be fooled, because it’s become necessary if you look at how we currently act as humans.

We should be continuing to evolve into socially-nurturing people, and not devolving into warriors fighting for the biggest prize. This new world that T.A. McCann speaks of can be a part of this new world order that will allow more people to find their own prosperity without looking for these so-called “hand-outs” that those currently in charge speak about so incessantly. Why would we need any handouts, when what we make with our own hands is so much more precious?

Now it’s up to each one of us to make this dream a reality. I know that I will prosper more as a multi-dimensional human than I have as an automaton. How about you?

Here’s the new working world as viewed by Gist’s founder: The Difference in Workstyles, Then And Now

– found through DesignTaxi post -> Gist


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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