Working For Nature

It looks like there are a couple of new innovations that have been created for the express purpose to work with or try to save nature. Now that’s something to get behind!

One creation, The Bat Billboard, was devised by Chris Woebken and Natalie Jeremijenko to house bats in an urban environment while also educating a public which has seen them only as pests. The billboard has electronics which translates the bat calls so that humans can better understand their activity patterns, which includes controlling insects and and enabling plant pollination.












– found in a DesignTaxi post

In addition, Taiwanese researchers have created the first erasable i2R e-paper that can be used as a replacement for paper stock that is used by advertisers or other users that create large volume of paper that is only used for a limited timed before being disposed. The paper is considered to be the first true e-paper as it requires no electrodes for the print process. By using a thermal printer to deposit inks onto a thin plastic film that covers the paper, the art or writing can be changed up to 260 times, which reduces waste and recycling costs. – found at Reuters


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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