“Power Geeks”

Just stumbled on another article that had me laughing while it hit home. Judith Newman, a New York Times contributor, was discussing the latest book of Alexendra Robbins, “The Geeks Shall Inherit The Earth: Popularity, Quirk Theory and Why Outsiders Thrive After High School”. The book is another way that the author is helping teenagers get through their formative years in an environment that I liken to a Roman gladiator ring. I haven’t read it yet, but I just might because I remember living through many of those same experiences.

Being an outsider is nothing new to me, as I was a military brat. Changing schools was second nature, and I was one of those kids who stayed on the fringe and floated amongst several groups because I knew that it was temporary. I liked being an island, though at times I missed the sense of belonging that time grants. But it wasn’t until years later at a reunion that some friends told me about their impressions of me. Nothing bad, as I seemed to be pretty well liked despite my shyness. Granted, I never entered the competition – which seemed like a humongous waste of time – because I had better things to do. And those few encounters that I did have with the populars left me with bruises that dented me on the inside.

I wasn’t talented in sports, but that didn’t stop me from pursuing them…even with my two left feet. And I loved writing, so I was even on the school paper at my last high school. I was drafted in plays and parades against my will, but only because I was painfully shy. I look back at those memories, and am happy to realize that they helped make me stronger so that I could face what life threw at me. So, thanks to all of those people in my life that saw something inside me that I didn’t see. I now realize that it was a temporary phase, and that my life is what I make of it.

I now have a new term for myself that Alexandra brought to light: Power Geek. It should make those of us who stand on the fringes feel pretty good about ourselves. We all have something special to create and give. The world in our head is just bursting to get out, and just might make a difference in this human experience that we all share. Try something that will bring your world out into the open. We all need to dream.


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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