Understanding One Another

Warning: This Ted Talk clip is very honest. Some of the images are extremely graphic and disturbing, but they must be seen in order to understand Jehane’s point of view that we have to see both sides of the story.


Jehane Noujaim wants just one thing: world peace. No, she’s not practicing for a beauty pageant. She wants us to meet one another, no matter where we are in the world. Only when we see someone in their natural environment will we be able to truly understand their lives and their motivations. Interestingly enough, she is a product of mixed heritages which has beautifully colored the world that she wants everyone to see (boy, can I relate) and feel. No, there isn’t always beauty in some of her imagery, but there is purity in her intent. It moves people to want to change. She is just capturing what we all put out there with our many times thoughtless actions.

Her skills as a photographer and film director have allowed her to document events through the eyes of the local inhabitants, so that others from far away could understand these inhabitants’ views. And now she wants others to help create her dream of film sharing around the world, so that we can learn to understand one another. If we all have a common foundation for a conversation, then maybe the conversation will take flight into a universal dream that we all will share and work for.


Pangea Cinema day became a reality in 2008. It can be the first building block for world peace. If we let it. We need to keep efforts like this going worldwide, until we all can stand next to one another with acceptance and understanding for our differences and our similarities. Remembering that we are part of a whole community called humanity.


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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