People Show Their True Nature

Here’s a look at the Occupy Wall Street Protests #occupywallst
(put together by embrown23 on Youtube)

And here’s what the officials are causing:

This is the kind of event that shows people’s true natures. I would suggest that you weigh the people’s actions in these videos against the comments that are coming from observers outside of the protest (read mainstream news blogs, Youtube comments, and Twitter to see what I’m talking about) to see the amount of narrow-visioned intolerance we are fighting against here in America – supposedly the land of the free. If anything affects someone’s protected little portion of the world, then they attack with tunnel-visioned hate talk. But if it’s not about them, well, they’ve got better things to worry about. And don’t even get me started about over-reacting officials who seem to cause more harm than good lately (see the Day 4 post from Occupy Wall Street site). Exactly what is happening with humanity? It’s more than obvious that being given what you want spoils adults as much as children. Maybe now people can start to realize just how big of a problem we have in this country.

In all honesty, these protesters are showing enormous courage in the face of popular dissent for the plight of man. Even mainstream media shows its true nature by the total lack of coverage of an American movement, while they salivate to cover a Tea Party event because they are supported by those institutions that are part of the acknowledged mainstream. And when coverage does happen, they treat the protest like they probably would if they were dissecting an alien from outer space. It really is hard to recognize America anymore. Because the mainstream no longer represents everyone equally.

The biggest respect that you have to give to these protesters is for their ability to conduct themselves with humanity, respect, and peace. They aren’t tearing things apart. They are staying within the too small boundaries that they are given. They are expressing themselves with total coherence and knowledge. They aren’t disrupting the work day at Wall Street, just inconveniencing it. And considering that many of these people are speaking for themselves and millions of others who have lost a lot more because of the actions at Wall Street, I’d say that no one has any room to complain about Americans exercising their rights to speak about their beliefs. And this movement is growing (a new protest is starting in San Francisco and many other places around the globe). Because we all have to realize that those in charge aren’t speaking for everyone equally! Even Anonymous is asking that everyone stay peaceful, so officials can’t find any reason to stop this event from taking place at all (though that obviously changed on 9/20/11).

This is America taking back its inspiration with our own hands.

And here’s a comment from Tim O’Reilly about the protests on his Google+ page. It’s clear that these protesters are much more of an adult than many of those reporters, political supporters, and city officials. I’m glad that he spoke up for them while putting mainstream news in its place. Keep up the great work everyone at Occupy Wall Street and their supporters (especially those small new networks, independent bloggers, and foreign news that are covering this)! This is much more important than we all realize.

And a final thought: Do you really want the current crop of politicians, business, and financial leaders to be the ones who speak for you? If not, then you must understand where these protesters are coming from. We can do so much better if we all choose to work together for a brighter future for all!

– more info at

– Good talk about inequality could cause American Spring


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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