Voices Heard

Hmmm, I just realized that I got this a little wrong. It’s happening around the world. Which makes it even more amazing!











How often do you see this happen in a city? And how long has it been since you’ve seen an image of so many people working together repeated all over the country, in cities everywhere. This is what it feels like to come together for something that we all can agree on. It’s hard to see in the faces above, but the diversity is evident in the movie below that was done by the Brooklyn Filmmakers Collective. This group represents all of us that are part of the 99%. This is the place where confrontation isn’t necessary, because divisive topics aren’t pertinent to what everyone agrees on. Yes, the specifics cover a spectrum of concerns, but the underlying sentiment is that everyone wants the country that they believe in. It really is no simpler than that. So, put away the hate and the anger for a moment, and simply admire the image of all of our voices being heard at the same time. You can’t get something much more inspirational than that. We are joined. A beautiful way to end a week.

Directed by Alex Mallis + Lily Henderson
Cinematography by Ed David
Edited by Lily Henderson + Alex Mallis
Assistant Camera: Andrew McMullen + Diana Eliavoz
Assistant Producers: Dana Salvatore + Jillian Mason
Titles by Jason Drakeford.


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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