A Tone Makes Or Breaks










The one thing that everyone is learning from the various occupations throughout the world is that it is really diverse. And no where is it more evident than during any conversation, offline or online. Of course, having any conversation is difficult if those actively involved are distracted by their own emotions or even beliefs. Having these makes us human, but having these can sometimes be a detriment if you’re letting them lead your actions.

Following the conversations that are happening online can be daunting. Millions of voices are shouting their opinions in a cacophony of blurbs that only seem to pollute the dialogue because they are putting up obstacles for finding a constructive path to follow. This is why I’m always saying that you have to have a firm grip of your inner dialogue before you can participate in an outer dialogue with an open channel. Hatred towards a particular type or ideology is the one shackle that we humans possess in abundance. It closes our minds, and allows emotions to drive our actions, sometimes with disrespectful or disastrous consequences.

Every person who is involved with social interactions has the potential to become dragged into this emotional quagmire. Even people who are trained to know better will react viscerally when confronted with overwhelming stimuli. When this happens, the best path to take sometimes is stepping away from the moment until you can become a productive participant again. Though this rarely happens because there simply is no time to think. Fight or flight at work in a destructive way.

Looking at the situation from various perspectives, it is easy to see that we won’t get anywhere until we do a few things:

  • Put aside our differences
  • Find some level of trust
  • Thoroughly review the evidence
  • Agree on what needs addressing
  • Respect another’s viewpoint and position
  • Weigh our own situation against the collective
  • Start talking to others with differing views

This conversation isn’t aimed at anyone in particular, but to everyone. Even those of you who think that you are in a position of power. The one thing that history teaches us is that power is fleeting at best. Humanity is simply too fluid to allow for power to rest forever with a select few. Frankly, instead of insulting those who disagree with your position, try finding out why they are speaking their thoughts through this level of action. If this action was isolated, then maybe it is a fluke. But it’s not. It’s universal and it’s telling everyone something extremely important. Our clock is ticking very loudly, and it’s not going to wait for you to act through your disabilities such as emotional overreaction. The consequences are too drastic for this moment in time to not be taken seriously. This is probably a defining moment in human history. Look around you, because the world agrees.


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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