Amy Tan Philosophizes

Amy Tan philosophizes about life’s motivations in the most playful yet deeply thoughtful way. As a writer, she calls upon some force that allows her to come up with the story: the setting, the characters, the history, and the reason. She has spent an emotional life being confronted by coincidences that her mother calls “the ghost of her grandmother” when words imitate life to closely. Her path clearly walks through complete immersion so that she can become one with her story, and know its truth. No matter how uncertain she feels about her creations, she uses her muse and the universe’s whispers that compel her to create.

It’s actually comforting to watch this video, as most of us who walk this path will understand her internal conflicts and dilemmas. No matter what type of creation that you do, there is something invisible that drives our motivations. They are clear to us, but we know they’re there because we feel them. When you trust your feelings about your creation, it’s probably the closest we have to just letting go. Creations doesn’t happen in moments of control, but in moments of freedom. That’s the beauty of inspiration. It’s creating something out of nothing into something truly unique and fascinating. If we follow our soul’s dialogue with our mind.


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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