Geek or Nerd – Which Are you?









I saw a tweet between two friends (@GiseleNMendez & @rdopping) that led me to the best infographic to start 2012 off! Have you always wondered if you fit in with the geeks or the nerds? Well, now you can get a pretty simple answer by seeing which side you relate to the most. The Wall Blog gives us the best (and cutest) look at the battling sides (well, the outside battles about it), so that once and for all you can proudly declare, “I am a (fill in the blank)!”

After the movie section, I found my answer (I like both Donnie Darko and Matrix, and relate to Office Space). Of course, if you’re like me, you are a hybrid which I’ll call Gerd (like those annoying Hollywood couples name). I guess a Gerd would have a comb-over mohawk?


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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1 Response to Geek or Nerd – Which Are you?

  1. Ha, ha. Very nice. Thank you for the mention. A Gerd, huh? I might be a Neek. I suppose it’s which way you “lean”. Keep up the good fight.

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