Farah Tamachi questions why art seems to migrate between periods of tactile to visual acrobatics that still attempt to replicate the 3d world in which we live and create in. She wanted to create a typographical installation that brought the analog back into design, though trends indicate that it never really went away. One example is business cards that are treated with letter press designing. Another is the ever-popular business giveaway that can be played with. And we can’t forget that our collectibles are the ultimate in tactile interaction. Seems Farah is on to understanding the fact that we humans are as tactile as every other living creature on this planet. Touch is an intimacy that cannot be surpassed. Bravo Farah on a great thesis.
Find out more about Farah’s thought about her thesis at her blog, FooFarah. She’s off to a powerful start. True discovery does indeed ignite a change in us. Now is always the time to live that discovery.
– thanks again, My Modern Met