Thinking About Ramifications






I was launched (by @mathewi) into an incredibly smart post about the ramifications that those in charge don’t seem to see when they make public policy that clearly steps on the rights of the people. But the important part of the post wasn’t that rights were being threatened, but that our leaders are not seeing the pitfalls that will come into being when you take broad actions that can not take into account the important details that affect the true image and the final outcome.

Read “I hereby resign” on Raganwald’s posterus to see what I mean.

This is a good time to bring this conversation up because we’re in the middle of another disastrous political season around the world. And no matter what country you live in, it seems like your government has taken complete leave of absence from common sense and responsibility. Perhaps if you’re listening to news feeds that talk about imminent warfare with whomever is the du jour instigator, then it might make sense to assume that they’re doing all these unconstitutional things for the greater good. But is that reality? It’s no longer comforting to hear someone tell you that “as long as you’re not doing anything illegal, then you’ve got nothing to worry about”. The discomfort is there because the laws that are being railroaded through our various governments are not meant for public good, but for commercial good, and innocent people are suffering at the hands of those who make laws. Our countries are no longer nations. They are departments within the global corporation that is clamping down on civil rights, because we’re all workers to them. Our history has made a 180-degree and is moving right back to those times before we learned all those lessons that helped to modernize society.

Are any of our leaders thinking about the ramifications of their actions when they create processes that can’t identify with humanity? When a corporation forces a prospective employee to open up their lives as though social media networks belong to them, then corporations have too much power and are not people. When a government can freely admit that they flout privacy laws because national security is at stake on everything, then governments no longer serve the will of the people. When social welfare becomes a convenient PR gimmick to gain followers for a company, then our morals have to be questioned.

I hope that you read Ragenwald’s post, because it’s a point-of-view that our legislators, corporations, and law enforcement don’t want to get. I personally don’t want to see what’s at the end of the road that we’re traveling on right now if things don’t change. This new norm that we’re supposed to accept without question is frightening. We’ve read about it in our literature classes from authors like Orwell and many many more. And I’ve got a problem with that ramification. Because it affects the life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness for WE THE PEOPLE.

I mean, seriously, have you read some of the laws that are being approved? I wonder how these government officials would feel if they were on the receiving end?


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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