We Are The Web

Google is starting a campaign, You Are The Web – Take Action, that will show the world just what the web means to them. A lot of people, including me, feel very protective of the Internet and will do whatever is necessary to ensure that it stays as free as it’s always been. And this is no small feat when every government in the world seems to be taking pot shots at the Internet (through destructive legislation), or is just flat out trying to control it or shut it down. You can go to the campaign site to keep abreast of the latest politics that impact the Internet (like SOPA, PIPA, and CISPA to name a few), or you can use a social media channel to express your thoughts about the Internet with the intro, “The Internet is the power to…” along with the hashtag #OurWeb.

And to get a better view of what the Internet is made of, check out this graphic posted on the Google Take Action site:


























Yes, WE are the web and we’re here to stay. Let’s keep our voices going long and strong! Remember, now the attention is on CISPA, but SOPA is still hanging around in the background, as is ACTA and TPP. Call or write your representatives and tell them that you stand with the Internet, and we’re not going to let you mess with our Internet! AvaazEFF, and Demand Progress have petitions for you to sign.

– thanks GIGAOM for the lead in to this story


About Carolyn

I'm the creator of this site. A technical communicator who is now spreading her wings in the creative world. It'll be baby steps, but I'll be offering up my own creations to you as time goes on.
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